TopIT Cannabis Agency

Marijuana Marketing Services

3 Important Things You Need To Know About Cannabis Marketing

Cannabis marketing faces a series of difficulties due to its legalization problem. But the task would be easier if you go through this blog. Here, the blog will guide you to learn about the three most important pointers that you must know when you are aiming for successful marketing of your cannabis products. If all this feels overwhelming, just hire Marijuana Marketing Services Los Angeles.

Promoting information regarding your newly established cannabis business is fraught with difficulties: federal rules, outdated stigmas, online social media guidelines, and so on. However, it is still a growing industry with several prospects and golden opportunities for success. All that’s necessary is to be aware of is, what can be done and what cannot be done in the landscape of cannabis marketing.

In this blog, you will get to know about 3 things that you must be concerned about when you indulge in the marijuana marketing game. Or, the best you can do is to hire marijuana marketing services Los Angeles for your newly established cannabis business.

Consider these 3 points as absolutely necessary

Following are four points you need to comprehend if you want to capitalize on the rising national interest in legal marijuana and successfully advertise your newly established cannabis business.

  1. Standing out is necessary as the industry is new with a rich history

To stand out from multiple other cannabis businesses, you need to comprehend what is at risk with your branding aesthetic. For example, the color green is prevalent in the aesthetics of the cannabis businesses and in this industry, overall. It obviously makes sense, but you can’t take the same path if you want to stand out. Or else, your marketing efforts will just blend into the sea of the same aesthetics and efforts. 

Hence, use the principle of color psychology and choose a hue that stands out in the ocean of green. This would cause “The Isolation Effect” causing you to automatically gain attention. Just remember, when you use color psychology, don’t fall into the traps of pseudo-scientific assumptions and research to know the color effects on people.

The fact is that human responses to colors are influenced more significantly by personal preferences, encounters, childhood experiences, cultural variations, and environment than by any standardized biological response.

The thing that matters, the color or hue, you choose is whether suitable for a particular product you are offering. According to color psychology research, color suitability concerning the product is far more essential than the color itself. Depending on the context and aim, the color green might signify various things. So, in that case, you have to be careful, in what you are using the hues of certain colors. This is a point that is often focused on by Marijuana Marketing Services Los Angeles.

  1. Bet on locations and websites- that’s your best shot!

In legalized sectors, marijuana is a controversial subject. Your target market is waiting for you, whether it’s in person or online. The following are among the most effective marketing methods for a cannabis business:

  • Point of Sale: Consider building appealing merchandise displays that show a straightforward, coherent, contemporary brand identity while distilling your key statement into a look. If you’re a B2B cannabis company, having outstanding demo videos, sales decks, and other one-on-one material that your sales staff can employ is of utmost importance in this industry.
  • Trade Shows: This is another excellent location for sales enablement data like handouts, pamphlets, flyers, swag, sell sheets, and other promotional material.
  • Website:When it comes to a website, some of the important aspects that come to mind are SEO, mobile-friendliness, and streamlined navigation. These are practically the three pillars of a top-notch cannabis business website.
  • Social media: Any social media platform is an excellent channel for displaying corporate culture, refining the brand’s voice, and effectively engaging consumers from a distance. The use of social media has evolved into a vital consumer care route, and it’s an ideal location for linking back to your website—where you have more control over the engagement context.
  • Email:Now use the above four channels to get the email addresses of your clients and then you can share your marketing content with those email addresses. You can do that by employing, personalized, automated, and segmented email marketing campaigns. You can consider this as your best shot for outbound email marketing in the cannabis universe if you are hiring Marijuana SEO Services Los Angeles.
  1. Regulatory trouble is extremely common – be cautious!

Problems between two states and the federal government always call for contradictory and unpredictable situations. And, it is easy to fall victim in such situations with cannabis regulations if you do not do your research appropriately.

The social media platform is an excellent example. Facebook lifted its ban on cannabis pages at the end of 2018, but the platform still restricts all the content that involves the promotion or sale of cannabis. That is why it is extremely important you go through all the guidelines that each of the social media platforms offers.

Publishing details about prices, sales incentives, or statements encouraging consumers to reach out to you for buying details is mostly prohibited across all platforms. In a nutshell, paid/promoted social media advertising is not feasible.

Cannabis advertising overall is difficult, regardless of legal markets. Advertisements, for example, cannot be placed in areas where kids or minors have access. As a result, television and radio are out of bounds. Due to federal legislation, Google presently does not allow cannabis-related advertisements or sponsored search phrases.

Generating traffic organically is extremely needed, and remember, it has to come via non-sales content.

For the majority, you can: 

  • Spread knowledge to the public about cannabis and its effects; 
  • Distribute images that have the cannabis touch but are non-promotional and non-sales; 
  • Talk about lifestyle topics that are related to subcultures in your audience but avoid subjects that involve cannabis purchase or use; 
  • Share news that concerns cannabis’s legalization or any state regulation that affects it.

Before you continue with the subject or its promotion on any social media channel, always obtain clarity on regulation compliance. This will save you from any kind of trouble in the future.

So, even when you know about these points, you must take all the precautions such that your cannabis marketing strategy doesn’t fail. That’s why it is better to hire Marijuana Marketing Services Los Angeles like TopIT Cannabis. We can help you be aware of various facets of the cannabis space, as our expert team is always updated with any advancement in the industry.

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