TopIT Cannabis Agency


Important CBD Myths & Facts To Upgrade Your Business’ SEO Game

Establishing a business in the cannabis industry is not a piece of cake. Instead, it’s quite challenging, because, even if you own a space in this industry, the main difficulty starts when you step up to promote your business. 

The cannabis industry is full of laws and regulations when it comes to marketing, hence, organic SEO is the only way a CBD-niche business can grow. Moreover, for SEO, there are tons of other rules, violations of which might negatively influence your business.

However, hiring CBD SEO services Los Angeles can ease the process much more, as they are well-accustomed to the laws and regulations of the industry. They stay quite updated with the new advancements in the cannabis sector as well.

Now, one thing you have to be aware of is that you might have to deal with tons of CBD myths, which can influence your business. But, you need to know the facts too, as your promotion point. This might make you anxious as a business person, but no worries, the blog will list down the myths for your better understanding, and the facts too.

Some CBD myths you should know

  1. CBD is addictive

In a report, WHO (World Health Organization) indicated that CBD has the potential for addiction. For more clarity, CBD does not induce addiction among humans, suggestive of dependency or daily abuse. Also, to date, all the research studies with humans have specified that CBD is quite safe for use.

  1. CBD oil and Hemp oil are the same

Although CBD oil and hemp seed oil are both derived from hemp plants, they are quite different from each other. 

CBD oil may be produced from hemp’s stalks, leaves, and flowers, and hemp seed oil is produced completely from hemp seeds. While the seeds include important elements such as omega fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals, the CBD content is almost zero.

  1. There is no research done on CBD

Several comprehensive reports from WHO depict that CBD is effective for epilepsy. 

Moreover, other preliminary evidence shows that it is highly effective for a number of ailments including Multiple Sclerosis, Cancer, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Psychosis, and diabetic complications. In addition to that, it can also help significantly with pain, depression, and anxiety.

There are studies that hint, CBD can aid in sleeping disorders, high blood pressure, and drug addiction.

  1. It functions the same for everyone

Well, its functionality depends on your current health status, and how the endocannabinoid system is working, that is, how it interacts with CBD. Furthermore, it also depends on the purpose you are using it for.

Several people use this component to relax a bit after a long tiring day and it is also used to control symptoms for various sicknesses. Simply said, it won’t have any significant effect on people who are happy and healthy. 

Certain people’s endocannabinoid systems may require greater attention than others, as it is affected by factors like lifestyle, environment, and genetic variables. 

  1. CBD has no psychoactive properties

Although CBD does not give you a high feeling like THC, many individuals believe it improves their mental state and reduces anxiety. 

These benefits have been extensively documented in animal research, which reveals that CBD increases serotonin signaling in the brain, a neurotransmitter that helps humans feel joyful, connected, and less anxious. 

There is also promising preliminary data in people demonstrating CBD’s potential to alleviate anxiety. CBD also increases the natural feel-good feeling, which is released during workouts. 

If CBD has these effects on the brain, it must have some form of psychedelic component.

Most CBD SEO services Los Angeles have dealt with this myth and this point becomes quite difficult to clarify, but they have strategies.

  1. All CBDs are the same

CBD is a single chemical that is similar, regardless of, where it originates from. However, the other compounds in a CBD extract are equally useful and play a significant part in health support. 

CBD does not emerge in nature as a single component, it is found in plants alongside over a hundred different cannabinoids. When CBD extraction is done, it is combined with all of the other cannabinoids.

These are known as full-spectrum extracts (also known as CBD extracts by the majority of people). CBD, on the other hand, may be extracted from its original packing to obtain 99.9% pure CBD, and that is called CBD isolation.

  1. CBD has no effect on other drugs

CBD performs well for many individuals; however, those who use specific prescriptions may find that CBD affects the way their drug(s) operate. This may have an influence on the efficacy of their present medicine, affecting the treatment of their medical condition.

There isn’t much (clinical) research on medication interactions and much of what there is depends on animal tests and scientific theory. Nevertheless, CBD has been proven in certain circumstances to affect the way some medications operate, similar to how grapefruits do.

These are some of the myths that can actually impact your business, and if you are not confident enough to deal with them, consult CBD SEO Services Los Angeles and get your marketing game moving.

Now, let’s see some of the facts that can be used as CBD promotion points for your business.

CBD facts

  1. CBD may be present in both marijuana and hemp 

CBD is not just present in hemp. It is one of approximately 100 cannabinoids, which are related substances present in marijuana plants.

Although they both contain CBD, marijuana is a more abundant source than hemp. Because more hemp is required for the extraction of CBD than marijuana, it is the more cost-effective choice, although, not legally.

  1. CBD is not a panacea

While CBD can be beneficial to health, it is not a panacea.

To claim that CBD heals everything is scientifically incorrect, because data is only just beginning to emerge, and it is from exploratory trials with limited length. To show otherwise, further research concentrating on specific disorders is required.

There are also underlying reasons that drive illness in the first place. Although CBD can aid patients control their symptoms, it seldom addresses the underlying problem of why the body gets unbalanced in the first place. You may think of CBD as a band-aid kind of approach to health assistance. 

  1. CBD might cause side effects

It’s not all flowers and candy bars, as many people believe. CBD has been shown to have certain adverse effects, although minor ones.

It is also dependent on the kind of CBD utilized. The majority of negative effects are noticed with 99.9% pure CBD.

CBD has relatively few negative effects as compared to certain traditional medications. As a result, for a few circumstances, certain individuals might favor the CBD experience over traditional treatments. 

  1. CBD is not addictive, but it may give you a “good feeling”

Although CBD is not completely psychoactive, it will not make you high. It all comes down to CBD’s method of action.

CBD, unlike THC, fails to stimulate the CB1 receptor in the brain. This implies that CBD is unable to induce the changes in awareness and consciousness, which are distinctive of a THC high. 

CBD, on the other hand, may make individuals feel better in the exact same way that a box of chocolates, does.

This is because CBD increases levels of Anandamide, a natural feel-good molecule.

  1. CBD has been utilized in traditional medicine for many years

CBD is considered one of the most significant components of cannabis. For thousands of years, it has been used in medicines and is documented in various countries like China, Japan, Europe, and Egypt.

Traditionally, hemp has been utilized to cure several ailments, for which, CBD is taken today. These include sleeplessness, pain, anxiety, and menstrual cramps.

  1. CBD derived from hemp is lawful

Most hemp cultivars naturally have a maximum of 0.2% THC. 

MJ includes far larger quantities of THC, making it less appealing to extract because the THC must be eliminated or it would be unlawful. CBD produced from marijuana is legally prohibited in the United States, even if the THC is eliminated.

  1. CBD is classified as a medication

The majority of CBD products available via the Internet and in shops are classified as food supplements. However, the MHRA issued a different position on CBD in 2016. 

They indicated it’s a medicinal product, but only if it’s promoted as such. This basically indicates that only pharmaceutical formulations, which are 99% pure CBD extracts, may be classified as medicines. 

  1. CBD is not suitable for everyone.

CBD is absolutely safe for the vast majority of individuals, nevertheless, there are some exceptions. 

Cannabinoids have the potential to impair brain development in growing newborns, which is why CBD is not suggested for use while pregnant or for kids under the mandatory age of 18.

Hence, the above are some of the CBD facts that you can put to use to promote your products and CBD to the targeted demographics. But in case, you are not confident enough about it, it is better to hire a CBD SEO Services Los Angeles like TopIT Cannabis. We are well accustomed to the myths, and notions that revolve around CBD, so our SEO services can help promote the true facts that can help you drive more customers.

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